Stepping upmarket…
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Asda Iced Mince Pies
Go large on the sweetness…
Open the reviewTesco Finest Crumble Topped Mince Pies
Buttery biscuit…top
Open the reviewAsda Baker’s Selection Shallow Mince Pies
Just like the old days…
Open the reviewWalker’s Luxury Mince Pie
A gorgeous pie for one…
Open the reviewIceland Luxury All Butter Mince Pies
Properly stuffed.
Open the reviewTesco 6 Mince Pies
One for all the family…
Open the reviewAsda Extra Special Extra Indulgent Luxury Mince Pies
Proper extra, these…
Open the reviewMr Kipling Winter Berry and Custard Crumble Tarts
A new recipe from the Old Master…
Open the reviewMorrisons The Best Deep Filled Mince Pies (In-Store Bakery)
The first of the in-store bakery offerings…
Open the reviewSainsbury’s Taste The Difference All-Butter Mince Pies
Kudos to the design team…
Open the reviewMorrisons Lattice Mince Pies
Lattice toppers have somewhat of an advantage…
Open the reviewM&S Collection Mini Mince Pies
A refined box design, gold and navy…
Open the reviewMorrisons Puff Pastry Freshly Baked Mince Pies
Time for a puff…
Open the reviewCo-op Irresistible All Butter Pastry Luxury Mince Pies
These look posh from the word go…
Open the reviewMorrisons The Best Deep Filled Mince Pies
So, here we go, first review of the 2021 season…
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